caridina - Garnelen, Krebse & Co :: Invertebrates Magazine, Dähne Publisher, Issue 3/2023

caridina, issue 3/2023, in German

Invertebrates in freshwater aquaria - Magazine
for all invert enthusiasts scene news and details about shrimp, crayfish & Co. 4 issues per year

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caridina - Shrimp, crayfish & Co , the special magazine about invertebrates in freshwater... more
Dähne-Verlagcaridina, issue 3/2023, in German
caridina - Shrimp, crayfish & Co,
the special magazine about invertebrates in freshwater aquaria brings you information, hints and tips about shrimp, crayfish, crabs, snails and so on four times a year.

In this issue of caridina you will find the following topics:

Titelthema: Landeinsiedlerkrebse
Immer das eigene Zuhause dabei
Alle Arten von Einsiedlerkrebsen
Viele Schneckenhäuser für die Anprobe
Tropische Strände und Inselparadiese

Schau mir in die (hohlen) Augen Kleines!
Extrem lange Scherenarme
Garneleneier zum Schlüpfen bringen

Amanogarnelen - Caridina multidentata

Beeindruckend vielfältig - Vivaristik-Tage in Ibbenbüren

Mein unvergessliches erstes Mal - Shrimp Contest

Ideal fürs Aquarium - Cherax quadricarinatus

Welcher Bodengrund im Garnelenaquarium?

Schlossbesichtigung und Schnitzelbüfett

Please note
The magazine caridina is available only in German language.
Article information
Manufacturer Dähne-Verlag
Article number GH-2001746
Shipping weight 0,31 kg

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