Fruit tree mix / Fruit tree leaves
Natural product - leaves from fruit treesFruit tree mix, 5-part consisting of leaves of apple, pear, quince, wild cherry and plum with important minerals, trace elements, as well as tannins and humic substances. Perfect for shrimp in the aquarium as a dietary supplement.
In nature, foliage or leaves are generally an important nutritional component of invertebrates, e.g. shrimp, crayfish, crabs but also snails. Specially shrimps usually comes from smaller rivers with trees on the riparian zone. Here, leaves, smaller branches and especially in the fall quite a number of foliage in the streams are registered, which then begin to decompose over time by bacetria and microorganisms and thus serve the shrimp as an important (often also overwhelming) food base.
The various fruit tree species and their leaves contain a wide variety of inhalants, e.g. minerals, tannins and humic substances, various oils, trace elements and much more. The metabolism of shrimps, crayfish, crabs and others need them for their metabolism, to strengthen the immune system, for a good digestion, or food utilization and more.
When choosing our fruit tree leaves mix, we paid attention to a good class mix ... some leaves are quite stable in the aquarium under water (for example quince), others (for example wild cherry) start to soften much faster. Over a long period of time, the shrimp find leaves in the appropriate "stage of maturity" and plunge with enthusiasm.
The 5-Pack fruit tree leaves mix includes following foliage variants and quantities
- Apple (dried Apple leaves, 10 pieces)
- Pear (dried Pear leaves, 10 pieces)
- Plum (dried Plum leaves, 10 pieces)
- Quince (dried Quince leaves, 15 pieces)
- Cherry (dried Wild cherry leaves, 10 pieces)
Usage / Dosage
For each 20 liters of aquarium water about 1 - 3 leaves (depending on the size of the leaves) or a few more. Also depending on the number of e.g. shrimp.
After the leaves have been eaten or completely decomposed, they can be renewed if necessary.
Our Tip
Initially, the dry leaves swim at the water surface, but suck more or less quickly full and then sink to the ground.
If necessary, you can accelerate the process by brewing the dry leaves with boiling water and allowing to simmer.
Ohlweg 8
22885 Barsbüttel
Manufacturer | GH-GOODS |
Article number | GH-2001135 |
EAN number | 4260361272713 |
Shipping weight | 0,1 kg |
GH-GOODS :: Fruit tree mix / Fruit tree leaves
Katze steht drauf, ob die Garnelen es auch mögen, wird noch getestet ????
Bin zufrieden mit den Blätterl
Die Schnecken haben sich gleich drauf gestürzt, allerdings haben meine Tierchen Vorlieben für bestimmte Blätter.
Sicher und trocken verpackt
Great selection.
Ein super toller Mix. Auch hier top Qualität und kein Schimmel etc.
Ist sehr beliebt bei den Schnecken, Welsen und Garnelen.
Blätter werden gut angekommen
Blätter werden gut angekommen
Super Qualität, gerne wieder.