Shrimp-Net (telescope)

Aquaristic accessories
a must have for every shrimp grower dimensionally stable, very fine pearl net extendable (telescopic) up to 56 cm available with round or square mesh
Available variants
round, red
9.90 €
round, chrom
9.90 €
square, black
9.90 €
square, blue
9.90 €

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The  GH-GOODS - Shrimp-Net telescopic shrimp fishing net  is characterized by a... more
GH-GOODSShrimp-Net (telescope)

The GH-GOODS - Shrimp-Net telescopic shrimp fishing net is characterized by a somewhat stiffer, yet flexible and smooth net, which does not hurt your shrimp when catching. Due to the stiffer structure of the net, you can sort or select your shrimp in a tub, bowl, or even directly in the aquarium (for example, by color or size).

The fine weave structure of the GH-GOODS - Shrimp-Net allows you to easily catch even small shrimp without them escaping due to a coarse structure. Of course, the nets can also catch smaller fish ... the soft material protects the sensitive mucous membrane and gill cover of your fish.

For each shrimp breeder the with just 5,5 cm net diameter, good in the hand lying and extendable shrimp selection net is a helpful accessory, which is in the retracted state 20 cm and with extended style 56 cm long.

Thanks to the flexible edge of the Shrimp-Net you can get into the smallest corners and adapt it optimally to your needs.

The GH-GOODS - Shrimp-Net with round or square net is available in two different colors.

GH-GOODS - Shrimp-Net (telescope - shrimp net)

Variants and Dimensions

Shrimp-Net round square
net diameter 5,5 cm 5,5 cm
net depth 5,0 cm 5,5 cm
lenght (min) 20 cm 20 cm
lenght (max) 56 cm 56 cm
Garnelenhaus GmbH
Ohlweg 8
22885 Barsbüttel
Article information
Manufacturer GH-GOODS

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GH-GOODS :: Shrimp-Net (telescope)
5 Customer reviews
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14 Feb 2022 • not verified

Ein absolutes MUST-HAVE

4 Dec 2021 • not verified

Bin ich sehr mit zufrieden

11 Oct 2020 • not verified

Hochwertig und sehr nützlich

27 Jan 2020 • not verified

A very useful and handy net. Easy to handle and clean. Makes shrimp selection very easy.

29 Dec 2019 • not verified

Das Netz ist super steif, leider kann das Drahtgestell, an dem das Netz befestig ist zu leicht verbogen werden. Sonst ein sehr schöner Kescher! Klasse um auch in die Kallaxaquarien rein zu kommen mit der geringen Höhe im Kallaxfach.

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