
Aquarium Plant Spring Scissor, 15 cm

Layout, maintenance and tools
perfect suited for shaped cuts exact and simple cutting plants scissor made of stainless steel a very light weight plant scissor
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The aquarium scissors, or plant scissor Spring Cutter is a very light and spring-loaded plant... more
GlasGartenAquarium Plant Spring Scissor, 15 cm

The aquarium scissors, or plant scissor Spring Cutter is a very light and spring-loaded plant scissors for fine cutting of aquarium plants.

The Aquarium Plant Scissor Spring Cutter allows fatigue-free working over a longer period of time, because it is very light and the cutting blades open automatically again and again due to the spring effect at the rear end of the handle. Due to the small and fine design with short cutting blades, the Spring Cutter plant scissor for aquarium plants is perfect for intermediate cuts, shaping work and for a natural look of aquatic plants. The plant scissors Spring Cutter with the curved tip easily compensates for the oblique working angle of the hand, so that plants can also cut very well horizontally. The Spring Cutter plant scissor with the straight tip is fine for trimming e.g. steem plants.

Complete lenght: approx. 15 cm
Cutting blade (tip): approx. 4 cm
Weight: approx. 20-21 g

GlasGarten Tools

Our GlasGarten Tool series consists of scissors, tweezers and glass cleaners made of high quality stainless steel. They are therefore ideal for all work in the aquarium, even in continuous use.

Scissors, tweezers and glass cleaners are needed for every aquarium and are not only a great help for aquascaping. But especially for aquascaping, which often involves very detailed care, special forms of scissors and forceps have been developed to make this work easier. Having the tools right at your fingers makes it much more fun to set up and maintain your aquarium. We would like to offer you these tools with our GlasGarten Tool series and at the lowest possible price. Therefore, we do without a brand imprint, as well as a stylish packaging. These savings and our tight costing will have a direct impact on you, and you can also save money with our GlasGarten tools.

Each tool is quality controlled and will surely give you joy for many years.

Garnelenhaus GmbH
Ohlweg 8
22885 Barsbüttel
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Manufacturer GlasGarten

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GlasGarten :: Aquarium Plant Spring Scissor, 15 cm
4 Customer reviews
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23 Nov 2022 • not verified

Könnte etwas stabiler sein

27 Jul 2021 • not verified

Top verarbeitet ud schneidet super

20 Apr 2021 • not verified

Die Schwere ist insgesamt gut, handlich und scharf.
Habe die gebogene Variante gewählt und bin damit sehr zufrieden, so kommt man leichter an Steinen und Wurzeln vorbei.
Zwei Mankos: Rundum den kleinen Abstandhalter bildet sich Rost, denke aber dass das keine Beeinträchtigung nach sich zieht.
Und man sollte mit dem Ende der Schere vorsichtig sein und diese beim Schneiden nicht berühren, es ist sehr scharfkantig. Bei der ersten Benutzung habe ich mir ganz schön die Handinnenfläche zerschnitten.
Daher 8 von 10.

2 Dec 2019 • not verified

Die Federschere ist handlich und scharf. Perfekt zum schneiden von Bodendecker. Durch die Federung, läuft man nicht Gefahr kleine Pflanzen aus dem Bodengrund zu reißen.

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