PROTEMP - External heater

suitable for all common external filters for hose sizes 12/16, 16/22 and 19 / 25mm makes heating elements in the aquarium unnecessary LED Anzeige der aktuellen Temperatur
Available variants
300 W
42.95 €
500 W
48.95 €

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The JBL PROTEMP external  heater for freshwater aquariums can be easily integrated into... more
JBLPROTEMP - External heater

The JBL PROTEMP external heater for freshwater aquariums can be easily integrated into the hose system of your external filter, making a heater inside the aquarium unnecessary.

By installing the JBL PROTEMP external heater in the filter circuit, a very even distribution of the water temperature is achieved with an accuracy of ± 0.5°C in the aquarium.

The JBL PROTEMP outdoor heaters for freshwater aquariums are available in two versions, 300 and 500 watts.
300 W are sufficient for aquariums from 90 - 300 Liters
500 W are sufficient for aquariums from 160 - 600 Liters

It is also extremely practical that the PROTEMP external heater from JBL has exchangeable hose connections in all common sizes. Hose locks has:

  • 12/16 mm
  • 16/22 mm
  • 19/25 mm 

So you do not have to buy a new device if you want to use a different hose size.
And if a different size is needed, you will find suitable reducers (e.g. from Eheim) in our shop.

In addition, a suitable cleaning brush is included. 

Easy installation
Cut the hose from the external filter that returns the water to the aquarium, insert the external heater in between, insert the plug, set the desired water temperature - done!

Temperature regulation
The desired temperature can be set between 20 ° C and 35 ° C or 68 ° F and 95 ° F. The current and the desired temperature can be read from the integrated LED display. When the temperature in the aquarium drops below the set value, the PROTEMP external heater switches on automatically.

Why do you need heating?
Most aquarium fish come from tropical waters and require water temperatures between 22 and 30°C. In community aquariums with fish / invertebrates from different regions, a water temperature of 24-26°C has proven itself.
Only for breeding z. B. Discus cichlids are useful at 30°C. Many types of shrimp come from cooler waters and do not tolerate temperatures of 25-30°C.

The water temperature should therefore always be set with a "control heater" that regulates the temperature automatically. There are rod-shaped control heaters that are attached to the aquarium (also available from us) in various wattages and external heaters / flow heaters that are integrated in the water-returning hose of an external filter, such as this device.

The advantage of the outdoor heater is that there is one device less to be housed in the aquarium and the distribution of heat in the aquarium is more even. In addition, the digital display of the outdoor heater always shows the current water temperature clearly readable!

Watch out
Underfloor heating is NOT used to set the water temperature. A floor heating cable ensures a better flow through the substrate in the aquarium, since the heated water rises on the heating cable and flows in the areas between the heating cables. In this way, nutrients are rinsed onto the plant roots and ensure perfect plant growth. Floor heating cables must always be supplemented with a control heater.

Scope of delivery

  • 1 PROTEMP outside heater
  • hose connections für 12/16, 16/22 und 19/25 mm
  • cleaning brush

JBL PROTEMP external heater

Variants and technical details

JBL PROTEMP outside heater


Height 295 mm 295 mm
Width 80 mm 80 mm
Lenght 85 mm 85 mm
Weight 400g 400g
suits hose size 12/16, 16/22 und 19/25  12/16, 16/22 und 19/25
suitable aquarium size 90-300 l (80-120 cm) 160-600 l (100-150 cm)
Power consumption 300 Watt 500 Watt
Voltage 240 V  240 V
JBL GmbH & Co. KG
Dieselstraße 3
67141 Neuhofen
Article information
Manufacturer JBL

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JBL :: PROTEMP - External heater
6 Customer reviews
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13 Feb 2024 • not verified

Eine wesentlich schönere Variante als den doofen Heitstab im Becken zu haben. Das Gerät ist auch sehr einfach zu bedienen.

11 Jan 2024 • not verified


5 Dec 2023 • not verified

Tolles Ding muss eine halb grad hier stehen,len men funktioniert super

1 Jan 2021 • not verified

Endlich kein häßlicher Heizstab mehr im Becken!
Der Außenheizer ist schnell und unkompliziert zu installieren, leicht einzustellen und macht dann, was er soll: Heizen.
Die Differenz zwischen der tatsächlichen Temperatur im Becken und der angezeigten Temperatur auf dem Außenheizer beträgt bei mir etwas weniger, als 1°C.
Ich stelle das Gerät einfach 1 Grad höher und gut ist.
Die Langzeiterfahrung steht noch aus.

23 Nov 2020 • not verified


15 Sep 2020 • not verified

Der Außenheizer ist bei mir nun ein knappes 3/4 Jahr im Einsatz, bin absolut zufrieden.

Ich würde allerdings empfehlen, obwohl der 300W Heizer bis 300L angegeben ist, bei einem 200L Aquarium schon den 500W Heizer zu nehmen. Bei meinem 200 Liter AQ liegt die Temperatur immer knapp 1 Grad unter der eingestellten Temperatur.

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