Seachem Purigen, 100 ml (bag incl.)

Purigen, 100 ml (in a bag)

Water conditioner
against yellowish stained water for crystal-clear water easy to regenerate already in a bag, sufficient for 400 litres

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Purigen is a highly efficient synthetic adsorptive resin that is uparalleled by other filter... more
SeachemPurigen, 100 ml (in a bag)

Purigen is a highly efficient synthetic adsorptive resin that is uparalleled by other filter media. Purigen does not contain ion exchangers but consists of a special synthetic polymer with large pores that removes soluble and insoluble dirt from the aquarium water quickly and efficiently. Purigen has over 500% of the capacity and the absorption speed of other filter media.

Purigen removes proteins, ammonium, nitrite and nitrate, organic nitrogen compounds and other organic substances without notably influencing the necessary trace elements. The redox potential of the aquarium water increases significantly, and the water becomes crystal-clear. When in use, Purigen turns darker, but it can easily be regenerated with household bleach. Purigen is suitable for freshwater and marine aquaria.

• turns the water crystal-clear
• removes the yellowish stain e.g. caused by driftwod
• can be regenerated many times
• suitable for freshwater and marine aquaria

Rinse before use.
Use the incl. fine-meshed filter bag (e.g. for placing in an external filter).
100 ml of Purigen are, depending on the organic load of the water, sufficient for up to 400 litres of aquarium water and will be effectve for up to six months. When the adsorptive capacity of the material is reached you can see a distinctive discoloration to dark brown or black.

100 ml (sufficient for around 400 litres)

The manufacturer recommends an 8.25% household chlorine bleach (without fragrances) for treatment. This should be diluted 1:1 with water. However, common chlorine bleaches on the (german) market often only have a concentration of 5% and you can use the low-concentration bleaches undiluted or only slightly diluted.
The included filter bag from Seachem is chlorine-proof and you can put it in the bath for regeneration. The Purigen should then remain in the Regeneratiosbad for about 24 hours (after 12 hours, turn the bag over so that the bleach can work in all places). The regeneration is complete when the Purigen returns to its original white color.

Safety note: When working with chlorine bleach, gloves and goggles should always be worn and adequate ventilation should be provided.

After regeneration, it is essential to rinse thoroughly to get all the chlorine residue from the purigen. The manufacturer recommends a min. 8-hour bath of clean water and some aquarium water conditioner; but without aloe vera additive (mucus protection for fish). These additives in water conditioners can render Purigen unusable. Rinse briefly again and then the Purigen is ready for use again.

Seachem Laboratories Inc.
GA 30650 Madison, WI
Responsible (EU)
E.A. European aquaristics GmbH
Deichstraße 189
27804 Berne
Article information
Manufacturer Seachem
Article number SE-PUR-100
EAN number 000116016506
Content 0.1 l
Shipping weight 0,12 kg

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Seachem :: Purigen, 100 ml (in a bag)
8 Customer reviews
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24 Jan 2022 • not verified

Schade das sowas im Handel angeboten wird ! Bakterien im Filter und Becken verhungern weil das ach so gute Zeug den Kreislauf capt und Eiweiß Verbindungen rausfiltert die Bakterien brauchen zum wachsen . Am Ende dann das Zeug noch mit Chlor zu säubern und dann zurück geben , schlimmer geht's nicht....

Answer from 24 Jan 2022

Moin Marco,
deine Meinung in allen Ehren, aber wir haben neben hunderten Aquarianern selbst mehrere Jahre Erfahrungen mit dem Produkt und können deine harsche Kritik leider nicht nachvollziehen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen

23 Jul 2021 • not verified

Wie immer alles Perfekt

26 Sep 2020 • not verified

Der Wahnsinn.
Benutze gespeichertes Regenwasser, Weil bei mir das Leitungswasser sehr hart ist. Leider ist das Regenwasser sehr trübe, Doch jetzt nicht mehr Der Oberhammer.

20 Feb 2020 • not verified

Schnelle Lieferung alles Top

13 Dec 2019 • not verified

Klares Wasser

31 Jan 2019 • not verified

Schon nach 4 Tagen war die braune Färbung des Aquariumwassers (Huminsäure durch Dekowurzel) verschwunden. Purigen ist sehr zu empfehlen.

28 Mar 2017 • not verified

Отличный адсорбент, использую как в цихлиднике так и в травнике. С задачей справляется отлично! Удобно, что есть мешочек!

20 Dec 2016 • not verified

Have been using it for a while. The water is always cristal clear and also no amonia. For me works perfectly!

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